
Sam the Record Man

From years ago in Toronto... it was one of those unexpected (and therefore wonderful) warm spring evenings...


Buffalo Central Terminal


Hurry Up and Wait

It seems that the moment you can catch your breath, sit and relax for a tiny bit...and it grows into a nice little daydreamy time.... ack! and then you have to zoom around once more to catch up so you can get that moment you can catch your breath, sit and relax for a tiny bit.............



There was a storm in buffalo over the weekend. We are known for occasional freaky storms, but this one is the most freakish I have ever known,

Wet snow came down on trees that hadn't lost their leaves for the season. The weight was unbearable and the damage to our lovely area will not heal for a long time. years.

It's more widespread than tornado or hurricane demises and even earthquake episodes.

The inconvenience of no power came and went - but the trees, the lovely trees are forever changed.